Snooker Shoot-Out 2020

Snooker Shoot-Out 2020


The 2020 Shoot Out (officially the 2020 BetVictor Snooker Shoot Out) was a professional ranking snooker tournament held from 20 to 23 February 2020 at the Watford Colosseum in Watford, England. It was the 13th ranking event of the 2019–20 snooker season. It was played under a variation of the standard rules of snooker. The event was the third of four events sponsored by BetVictor, making up the 2020 European Series.

The defending champion was Thailand's Thepchaiya Un-Nooh, who defeated England's Michael Holt 74–0 in the 2019 final. In 2020, Un-Nooh was beaten by Peter Lines in the second round. For the second consecutive year, Holt reached the final, where he defeated Zhou Yuelong 64–1. There were four century breaks during the event, the highest being a 133 by Thor Chuan Leong. There was a prize fund of £171,000, £50,000 of which was awarded to the winner.

Snooker Shoot-Out 2020, desiata edícia pozývacieho snookerového turnaja sa konala od 20. do 23. februára 2020 v Watford Colosseum v anglickom Watforde. Turnaja sa zúčastnilo 128 hráčov, ktorí súťažili o celkovú finančnú odmenu 171 000 libier, pričom víťaz získal 50 000 libier.

Formát turnaja bol jednofázový eliminačný turnaj, v ktorom každý zápas trval len 10 minút. Hráči mali na každý úder iba 15 sekúnd, čo viedlo k rýchlej a vzrušujúcej hre.

Víťazom turnaja sa stal Angličan Michael Holt, ktorý vo finále porazil Íra Tonyho McGilla 73-0. Holt vyhral svoj prvý turnaj rankingového formátu od turnaja German Masters 2018.